Monday, March 20, 2023
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Taking a Greyhound Bus Ride in North Carolina
Riding a Greyhound Bus in the South...
Have you ever been on one? I had not. Do you picture a bunch of basically uncouth characters and homeless people going to places unknown? How long does it take to go somewhere on one? Several extra hours? Have you seen the new commercials where they advertise extra leg room, free WIFI, movies, etc?
Here's the story of what it's like to take a bus from Greensboro, NC to Wilmington, NC...about a 3.5 hour drive by car - 7.5 hours by Greyhound...
The Greensboro bus station, and indeed 4 other ones I was "privileged" enough to see first hand is just about as scary as you'd ever think. In North Carolina, bus stations are apparently all in the run-down downtown areas of each city. There seems to be a homeless shelter across the street from all of them...whether the shelter was built next to it, or it was built next to the shelter, I'm not sure. But the parking lot and the station itself is their territory, and a prime place to panhandle or intimidate...not too much of the latter as the police are also usually nearby. More on the homeless people later...
Some of the bus stations are open 24 hours a day. Most are not. I was told after Greyhound bought out Trailways they closed down many of the stations and cut hours for the employees. The Gboro station was supposed to open at 7:30. Buses start loading at 7:50, and you're supposed to be checking your bags 45 minutes ahead. There are 2 employees in Gboro...a maintenance man about 70 years old, and the ticket OJ Simpson look-alike with a surly attitude. His regular time to report in is 7:45. Yes, you read that right. His regular time is 15 minutes late. The second day, he didn't make it until 7:50. He comes in, looks to see if the buses are on time on his computer, starts a pot of coffee, and finally opens his window about 7:50 to 7:55.
The first day, not knowing any of this, I have my niece take me to the station at about 7:20. We both had to get up around 5am to do this. The maintenance guy tells us the station doesn't open until 7:30, so we sit in her SUV and wait. There are a few wandering derelicts outside, but not many at this early time. It was about 40 degrees, so they weren't out and about yet. Finally, he opens the door, so I take my bag and go in...and she goes home (on the other side of Greensboro). Then, of course, I learn the ticket guy isn't due in till 7:45...LOL. So I went back outside to smoke and freeze, and wait. O.J. shows up finally and I go in to be sure my internet ticket is accurate and I don't have to check my bag.
By about 7:55, he opens his window and starts issuing tickets and answering questions. The bus isn't there. He checks his computer, sells some more tickets, checks his computer, weighs some bags, and checks his computer. The bus isn't there. Finally, around 8:30, he proceeds to tell us that the two buses expected are delayed...mine by ELEVEN hours, and the other one by (maybe) 4 hours. Seems that they "lost a driver" for mine, which was still in Atlanta.
There are 2 buses for my route every at 8am, and one at 1pm. The 1pm bus gets to Wilmington at 7:30 in the evening. I can't drive in the dark, so that's out. I have 3 connections to make, so there's nothing for me to do but try the next day. My poor niece had to drive BACK across town, pick me up, and take me to my friend's house in High Point. Earlier she had to drive from her house to High Point and back to Gboro on the other side of town, then to her home. So she's probably driven about 2 hours for all of this.
Let me pause here and tell you about the time a bus trip takes. I live in North Myrtle Beach, SC, which is about a 4-hour drive to High Point. If you take the super highway I-40, it's less. A Greyhound bus from Greensboro (there isn't one in High Point- they closed it - takes 16 hours to drive from Myrtle Beach to Greensboro! Now, this is the main source of all my problems. If I had been willing to ride a 16-hour trip, I could have driven to the bus station, parked my car there, and do a round-trip ticket to Greensboro. I was not willing to do this, as it would have entailed 2 extra days to go. I have cats to feed, and work to do.
The bus trip to Wilmington NC, which is one hour from my home, only took 7.5 hours. Wilmington is about 3 hours from Greensboro. So I asked my nephew who lives in Wilmington to take me to Greensboro. He was also going to my brother's birthday party. Problem was, he had to leave the party and go to Atlanta, so couldn't take me home. Thus, it was either a 7.5 hour bus trip to Wilmington, or a 16-hour bus trip to Myrtle Beach.
Now everyone who knows me well knows that I can't drive across a bridge. Even to spend a day with Davy Jones in Charleston, I could not drive across a bridge. So I had to find a place on MY side of the Wilmington bridge to leave the car. We decided on a Food Lion, about 5 miles away from it. Of course, I took a wrong turn and got lost driving there, but we won't go into that part....LOL
If a 200 mile trip on Greyhound takes 16 hours, I can only fathom that going to someplace like Pennsylvania or New York must take about 3 days. Can you imagine? They stop at every bus station on the route...about every 1.5 hours. I had 5 stops and 2 bus changes on my trip.
Leg room? There was barely, maybe, 8 inches from the seat to the back of the next seat. If you have big feet, like a man with a size 11 shoe, you have a serious problem. Unlike a plane, you can't walk around a bus. On the road, it rocks and swings like any vehicle. There's a bathroom in the back. I can't picture walking that far. Thankfully I didn't have to use it. WIFI? Maybe. Movies? No. Snacks? No. Restaurants near the bus stations? No way. So your trip involves snack machines and drink machines. (Except in Fayetteville- the drink machine doesn't work) If they would tell people that, they would bring their own food. They want you to use the snack and coke machines, though. the first day's trip was canceled. My niece takes me back to my long-suffering best friend's house to stay another night and use her recliner to sleep. She, like me, usually starts out sleeping in the recliner and goes to bed afterward. She also stays up half the night like I do. Both days I was so exhausted I was sleeping sitting at the tables in restaurants. By 11 pm, I was out like a light, with her watching tv. I was wonderful company- Not. The second day, my niece had to work, so my friend had to DRIVE ME TO GREENSBORO at 7:30 am. I felt sooo bad. I still feel sooo bad. Yes, I would do it for her, but it would half-kill either of us. Thank God for 40-year friendships.
Day 2 attempt. We get there at 7:30, and of course O.J. is not there. She didn't want to leave me so we sat in her car until he got there. Actually, I stood by her car and smoked, and she sat there talking to me through the window. He drags in at 7:50, so I go on in to be sure the bus is actually coming this time. At about 7:55 the bus pulls in before he even opens his window. So I run out to tell her bye and start my adventure.
Senior citizens, handicapped people, and those who are changing buses are supposed to sit in the front. This bus was full. I get on with this one heavy bag, and there are no seats towards the front at all. This very sweet black man offers to give up his extra seat for me, and puts his 2 big bags plus mine in his LAP. He pretty much looked homeless, but he was the only one that offered to help with anything. The Greyhound employees help? Hah! Forget that. With one exception every driver stopped the bus, made announcements, and was gone inside. If you are truly handicapped, I warn you not to ride a bus. Oh, they say they are handicap equipped, and they do have a wheel-chair lift. But you'd better have a caretaker with you and plan to just stay on the bus most of the time. The drivers have no interest in fraternizing with the passengers.
So I sit next to this sweet little guy, with his lap full of probably 30 lbs of bags or more. He tells me the seatbelts are very uncomfortable and he doesn't advise putting it on. Nobody else wears theirs either. If you have an aisle seat, you have to hold on for dear life just like you did when you took a school bus as a kid.
The man tells me that he buys a round-trip ticket every month and travels on the bus for about a week. He doesn't go anywhere in particular...just different places. He's originally from Louisiana and his mother did the same thing. They love to travel. I suspect he has no home but didn't press him about it. He looked out the windows and talked about how pretty the homes were that we passed. Most of them were shacks. I hope some of the stations have a place to take a bath...although I didn't see anything like that. This guy is lonely and so thankful to have someone who will talk to him and be kind. I will talk to anybody. So we talked for an hour until the first stop, which was where I changed buses and broke his heart. I was actually very sad to leave him alone again. I made an unexpected friend on a bus.
We stopped in Durham for a pickup, but nobody was allowed to get off the bus. About 45 minutes later we stopped at Raleigh and I got off. Raleigh's bus station is a much nicer building. It was chock-full of people that looked homeless or at least poverty-stricken. We had a 40-minute layover so I went outside to smoke...along with about 20 others. Once again I find that this part of our society are some of the most friendly and helpful people you can find. Everyone talks like they know each other. The younger ones jump to open a door or help you with your bag. The employees ignore everyone, although they are friendlier here than in Greensboro. 15 minutes early, they call our bus, and this driver is a bit nicer than the first troll, lifting my bag for me, and creating a front seat for me...this time by an unbelievably nice black lady who called me "baby" several times..."You are ok, Baby, don't worry about me. You're not any trouble, Baby.". Once again, the best people around. We leave 15 minutes early and head to Fayetteville. Miserable ride with no leg room, but the best possible company. No "movies" or anything that I could see.
Fayetteville was a BIG bus station because they also have city buses there. Lots of cops, lots of employees that ignore you. Broken drink machine. Luckily they did at least have a water fountain. You have to walk about a block from the building to smoke, and I was yelled at for not walking far enough. An old white dude in a wheelchair went back in and ratted me out. HE had to go that far, so by god, I wasn't going to get by with standing 30 feet nearer than he was. Keep in mind that I can barely walk anyway...I get so breathless. Yes, I should quit smoking. No, I haven't. And I had this 25 lb bag I had to lug around, plus my pocketbook. Did anyone give a crap? No. Greyhound is NOT an airline or an airport. The next time you want to complain about an airport, think twice. I didn't take my good rolling suitcase because I didn't want to check a bag and have it lost.
Now the bus from Fayetteville to Wilmington is loading. THIS driver is a real sweetheart. We are early too. And there are TWO and another guy in the back. The driver sets me up right behind him and we talk and tell stories the whole way. He was ex-military with an ex-wife and two ex-kids, and loved his nomad life as a driver. He stayed in hotels, took any buses where they needed him, and loved it. Therefore he was friendly and helpful to everyone. He told me the one thing that made him really mad was when someone called him an "Asshole". Because, he said, I am NOT one. We stop at one little building to see if there is a pickup, and there isn't. We didn't get off the bus. The next little stop was sort of a store with a bus station. He let me off to smoke and he went inside to use the bathroom. Our other passenger got off to go home. This was in Whiteville, NC.
Now, remember my car was parked on the west side of the bridge, and probably 10 miles from the bus station in Wilmington. I had sweated the whole weekend trying to figure out how to get a ride to it. I was afraid a cab would cost me $50-60, and I actually had the cash if I had to do that. I was hoping I could find someone who lived in Wilmington to pick me up and take me to my car. So far I had had no luck. And now it was just me and the bus driver, going up the same highway as we had driven to Greensboro to start with. He sympathizes with my bridge phobia. Said he used to have the same thing but being a driver, he had to get over it.
We are riding along, and I said, Are you going over the 421 bridge? Yes, he's right at Highway 17 and 133. THAT IS WHERE MY CAR IS!!!! I ask him if there is any way he can let me off when we get to that intersection, and he says he guesses he can do that. I am overjoyed that maybe I can take a cab for a few blocks.
This kind, wonderful man drives this HUGE Greyhound bus into the little exit for Leland, NC, and into the Food Lion parking lot, and to my car. People are staring...LOL. He parked, picked up my bag and walked down the steps, and waited on me. I hugged that man like he was a long lost friend, and he just smiled and said he was happy to do it. I am still floored that there are so many nice people in this world. And sometimes you can "depend on the kindness of strangers"...whether it be a homeless dude giving up his spare seat, or a bus driver that enjoys his life and passes along his goodwill and sweetness.
By the way, if you've heard that many cities will give homeless people a bus ticket to anywhere they want to go just to get rid of them,'s true. The driver told me that is why there are so many homeless people in the stations. Everywhere they go, somebody pays them to leave. I recently read that Myrtle Beach alone has 1300 plus homeless people. All the other cities ask them where they want to go, and they all want to come to the beach.
Will I ride another Greyhound? Not on your life. But I met some angels along the way that made it bearable. These are the people that Trump would love to leave starving and penniless instead of giving them disability and welfare. I can only hope that someday he is put in a situation that makes him dependent on the kindness of society's forgotten ones. But I hope he gets kicked to the curb from some of them first.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
New Charleston Real Estate Site
Several months ago Greg Harrelson decided to expand his horizons and opened another Century 21 office, this time in Charleston, SC. So we are in the process of building another monster website to try and pull in all the communities in and around Charleston. This includes North Charleston, Mount Pleasant, Summerville, Isle of Palms, Goose Creek, and another 7-8 barrier islands around the city.
This is going to be a long time project, and it seems like everytime I think I'm going to dive in, there's another blog to do, another great website to put an article on - such as Greg's new Charleston Blog on
At least I can always say that it's a pleasure to work for someone who really knows the business and takes pride in his website and online reputation.
If you're interested, take a look at our new Charleston Real Estate site! Give us a Google Plus if you like!
This is going to be a long time project, and it seems like everytime I think I'm going to dive in, there's another blog to do, another great website to put an article on - such as Greg's new Charleston Blog on
At least I can always say that it's a pleasure to work for someone who really knows the business and takes pride in his website and online reputation.
If you're interested, take a look at our new Charleston Real Estate site! Give us a Google Plus if you like!
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Cold Stunned Sea Turtles May Appear Dead
Cold stunned sea turtles are turning up all along the shores of the East Coast and may appear dead. The Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center rescued four turtles in just one day, the New England Aquarium has rescued more than 160, and dozens upon dozens have been flown to SeaWorld in Florida for rehabilitation.
These turtles may appear to be dead but many can be saved. If you spot a sea turtle floating in the ocean or washed up on the shore, contact a local aquarium or wildlife rescue service right away. Several emergency contact numbers are listed at the end of this blog.
This video from the North Carolina Aquarium gives a quick overview of how they help rehabilitate cold stunned turtles that have become stranded:
These turtles may appear to be dead but many can be saved. If you spot a sea turtle floating in the ocean or washed up on the shore, contact a local aquarium or wildlife rescue service right away. Several emergency contact numbers are listed at the end of this blog.
Cold stunned sea turtles may appear to be dead.
This video from the North Carolina Aquarium gives a quick overview of how they help rehabilitate cold stunned turtles that have become stranded:
Sea turtles have been swimming in the ocean since dinosaurs roamed the earth, but now they are facing extinction. Tens of thousands of sea turtles are caught in fishing nets and thrown away as waste. Sea turtles are killed and sold for food, exotic oils, leather purses and other luxury items. Eggs are harvested as a delicacy. Plastic bags and trash are mistaken for jellyfish and consumed, and coastal development encroaches on their nesting habitat. All of these factors are taking their toll on the population of these gentle creatures.
Saving just one turtle makes a difference!
Sea turtles are cold-blooded reptiles and many migrate to warmer waters in the winter. Those turtles that don't migrate start having problems when water temperatures drop into the 50's and their bodily functions start shutting down, making them appear lifeless. This state of hypothermia renders them helpless and they lose the ability to swim. Many aquariums have emergency response teams on standby during the winter months to help rescue and rehabilitate these vulnerable creatures.
On his way to rehab!
If you catch sight of a sea turtle on the beach or floating in the water, contact the local aquarium immediately or another wildlife rescue service. They will slowly warm the turtle and treat them for hypothermia, then make sure they haven't developed pneumonia or another secondary infection. The next steps are to hydrate and feed the turtles. Once they are well enough, the turtles will be returned to their original habitat when water temperatures are safe again.
I'm feeling better and going home!
Here are some contact numbers of aquariums and rescue organizations along the east coast:
- South Carolina Aquarium Sea Turtle Rescue Program & South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (800) 922-5431
- North Myrtle Beach Sea Turtle Patrol (843) 283-6670
- Ripleys Myrtle Beach Aquarium (843) 916-0888
- North Carolina Aquariums (800) 832-3474
- Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center Standing Response Team 24-Hour Hotline (757) 385-7575 or (757) 385-7576
- National Aquarium in Baltimore, MD (410) 373-0083
- New Jersey Marine Mammal Stranding Center (609) 266-0538
- Riverhead, NY Stranding Response Team 24-Hour Hotline (631) 369-9829
- New England Aquarium 24-Hour Marine Animal Hotline (617) 973-5247
- Northeast Region Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Stranding and Entanglement Network
(866) 755-6622
Mit Tressler / Guest Blogger
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Myrtle Beach in the Winter?
It has been so warm lately it's hard to believe it's only a couple of weeks till Christmas. If this is global warming, it sure will be enjoyable until the bad stuff starts. Pretty soon we're going to be as year-round as northern Florida. The Picture above was taken a few days ago by my friend Melissa, out walking her dogs at Vereen's Garden near Calabash.
And how Myrtle Beach goes out for decorating at Christmas! If you've never been down here in December, you owe it to yourself to take a long weekend and visit. You can stay in the finest oceanfront hotels for pennies on the dollar compared to summer...and just to see everything in town twinkling and sparkly is enough to raise anybody's spirits. All the theatres have Christmas shows going. The malls, as well as the fantastic shopping complexes we have...Market Common, Broadway at the Beach, and Barefoot Landing are just amazing during Christmas. And it's a great time to bring your pet to Myrtle Beach!
Come and visit us. If you want some suggestions of a place to stay, feel free to ask!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Myrtle Beach Real Estate - Guest Blog
Today's blog is an article from Greg Harrelson with the C21 Harrelson Group about the market in Myrtle Beach during the fall and winter. Comes with a good video, too!
When To Sell a Myrtle Beach Home
Now that summer is over and the crowds have left Myrtle Beach, property owners are wondering if there are still buyers looking in our market this time of year, as well as when and how to sell a condo or home. Let me explain what happens in the Myrtle Beach market throughout the year.
Winter is the first selling season of the year. The buyers that are in Myrtle Beach during the Winter are typically snow birds who have strong financials and many of them pay cash for their investments. There are fewer buyers during the Winter yet a higher percentage of the buyers are qualified and know what they want. We love these buyers because they can make decisions and act fast when needed. Winter can sometimes be a good time to sell your house.
Spring is the selling season that we start showing properties to golfers who are looking to invest in Myrtle Beach real estate. Similar to the snow birds, these buyers are typically well qualified and know what they want. They have cash though they tend to finance with larger down payments. Banks love to work with them because their credit is typically very good. Spring can be a very good time to sell property in Myrtle Beach.
As you can see above, every season can be good to sell your home in Myrtle Beach. The most important factor is that your agent must understand this cycle and know what type of buyer is in town at the time. Each selling season requires a little different marketing strategy and once this is understood, your property is likely to sell.
It is your goal for your investment that dictates when you sell. How long you can carry negative cash flow, or how long you can delay moving your family? These are the questions that will likely determine your decision. The time of year should never determine the decision. Think about it, no matter what selling season we were in, the market declined over the past 4 years. And, the same could be said about the hot market…it increased in every season.
If you are would like additional information on the market or would like to discuss any aspect of real estate in Myrtle Beach then please send me an email or give me a call.
Contributed by Greg Harrelson
Your Myrtle Beach Real Estate Resource
Greg Harrelson +
When To Sell a Myrtle Beach Home
Now that summer is over and the crowds have left Myrtle Beach, property owners are wondering if there are still buyers looking in our market this time of year, as well as when and how to sell a condo or home. Let me explain what happens in the Myrtle Beach market throughout the year.
Selling Season #1:
Winter is the first selling season of the year. The buyers that are in Myrtle Beach during the Winter are typically snow birds who have strong financials and many of them pay cash for their investments. There are fewer buyers during the Winter yet a higher percentage of the buyers are qualified and know what they want. We love these buyers because they can make decisions and act fast when needed. Winter can sometimes be a good time to sell your house.
Selling Season #2:
Spring is the selling season that we start showing properties to golfers who are looking to invest in Myrtle Beach real estate. Similar to the snow birds, these buyers are typically well qualified and know what they want. They have cash though they tend to finance with larger down payments. Banks love to work with them because their credit is typically very good. Spring can be a very good time to sell property in Myrtle Beach.Selling Season #3:
Summer is when we have the largest number of buyers in town. This is what most would call our best selling season of the year. Though this is the time when we see the most buyers, this is also the time when we see more buyers failing to qualify and often deals never closing. Don’t get me wrong, we love the summer season yet the difference between this and the other seasons is Quantity versus Quality. Summer is possibly the best time to sell your house, home, or property.Selling Season #4
Fall is the final season before we start the cycle all over again. The Fall is very similar to the Spring selling season. Golfers are in town and they are qualified to purchase. We start to get the first wave of snow birds during this time also which adds to our pool of buyers. This is the time where the market starts to shift from quantity back to quality. As of now, we have many buyer appointments already set for buyers coming to the beach during this season. If you have a condo or house to sell, fall is also a great time to do it.
When Should I List my Property?
As you can see above, every season can be good to sell your home in Myrtle Beach. The most important factor is that your agent must understand this cycle and know what type of buyer is in town at the time. Each selling season requires a little different marketing strategy and once this is understood, your property is likely to sell.It is your goal for your investment that dictates when you sell. How long you can carry negative cash flow, or how long you can delay moving your family? These are the questions that will likely determine your decision. The time of year should never determine the decision. Think about it, no matter what selling season we were in, the market declined over the past 4 years. And, the same could be said about the hot market…it increased in every season.
If you are would like additional information on the market or would like to discuss any aspect of real estate in Myrtle Beach then please send me an email or give me a call.
Contributed by Greg Harrelson
Your Myrtle Beach Real Estate Resource
Greg Harrelson +
Monday, June 25, 2012
Myrtle Beach Townhouses Gaining in Popularity
We are noticing a surge in sales for Myrtle Beach townhouses and patio homes. Of course, Myrtle Beach is most known as a condo community by vacationers yet interested buyers are starting to learn the difference between a townhouse and a condo. Most people do not know the difference between a townhouse and a condo. As a matter of fact, the two descriptions are used interchangeably. Below is a list of differences that you must consider before making a purchase.
1. In a townhouse, you usually own the land. The land is always owned by the Homeowners Association if it is a condo.So, what is better? Both!
2. Financing a townhouse is similar to a single family home. Financing a condo usually requires a questionnaire to to be answered by the association. This is used to determine if the condo is FHA approved and meets the guidelines of Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. All of this will determine the interest rate that a bank can offer you for the purchase.
3. Both will have a property owners fee yet the townhouse fee is typically less because the association does not own the land and the entire structure.
4. Both options offer low maintenance living and shared amenities.
5. The townhouse is separated by a wall yet the condo can be separated by a wall, floor or ceiling.
6. Property owners monthly fees are usually a lower in a townhouse versus a condo.
The differences between a townhome or a Myrtle Beach condo is not about good, bad, right, or wrong. You have to determine what style of living you feel most comfortable with and then move forward with the purchase.
We are starting to notice a surge in townhouse sales in Myrtle Beach due to the lower association dues. Purchasers seem to be watching every penny and this is one way to keep the monthly expenses to a minimum.
If you are confused as to if you are looking at a condo or a townhouse, contact us through our website at or call us, and we will foward you the information.
Greg Harrelson+
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Kids on the Beach - If You Get Separated
What to do if you lose a kid or two...
Our local television station WBTW had an excellent article on what to do if you are separated from your kids in Myrtle Beach, and some tips to prepare and prevent such an event from becoming traumatic. We have expanded on these tips and included theirs as well. Visit their page for more, and a video to illustrate. Meanwhile, below are the best things to do if your kids get separated from you on the vast sandy beach we call the Grand Strand.
1. Upon arriving, tell your kids the name of the hotel until they can remember it and quote it back to you.
2. Point out landmarks near your hotel on the beach entrance. Maybe there is a sign, a colorful chair or umbrella, or some other object they can look for.
3. Show them the lifeguards and tell them to go to a lifeguard first if they get lost.
4. Show them the trucks that you see on the beach, which are city trucks. Tell them these are people they can safely approach for help.
5. Take them to the front desk of the hotel and introduce them to the staff, to show the kids these are people who will help.
6. Don't drink alcohol on the beach which could make you get sleepy and doze off while the kids are playing in the sand.
7. Tell them if they are approached by any stranger to run straight to you and never to let a stranger touch them.
Kids love the beach, the sand, and the ocean. But they need constant and vigilant supervision while you are here on your Myrtle Beach vacation. If you have small children you might want to choose more of a kid-friendly hotel - with lots of pools, lazy rivers, and things to do that will attract them even more. Some great places to choose are Baywatch Resort in North Myrtle Beach, and the Sands Resort or Anderson Ocean Club in Myrtle Beach. Ask us about other ideas on kid-friendly condos and hotels for pets before you come down!
For more kids' stuff, visit our Myrtle Beach Attractions Facebook page.
Our local television station WBTW had an excellent article on what to do if you are separated from your kids in Myrtle Beach, and some tips to prepare and prevent such an event from becoming traumatic. We have expanded on these tips and included theirs as well. Visit their page for more, and a video to illustrate. Meanwhile, below are the best things to do if your kids get separated from you on the vast sandy beach we call the Grand Strand.
1. Upon arriving, tell your kids the name of the hotel until they can remember it and quote it back to you.
2. Point out landmarks near your hotel on the beach entrance. Maybe there is a sign, a colorful chair or umbrella, or some other object they can look for.
3. Show them the lifeguards and tell them to go to a lifeguard first if they get lost.
4. Show them the trucks that you see on the beach, which are city trucks. Tell them these are people they can safely approach for help.
5. Take them to the front desk of the hotel and introduce them to the staff, to show the kids these are people who will help.
6. Don't drink alcohol on the beach which could make you get sleepy and doze off while the kids are playing in the sand.
7. Tell them if they are approached by any stranger to run straight to you and never to let a stranger touch them.
Kids love the beach, the sand, and the ocean. But they need constant and vigilant supervision while you are here on your Myrtle Beach vacation. If you have small children you might want to choose more of a kid-friendly hotel - with lots of pools, lazy rivers, and things to do that will attract them even more. Some great places to choose are Baywatch Resort in North Myrtle Beach, and the Sands Resort or Anderson Ocean Club in Myrtle Beach. Ask us about other ideas on kid-friendly condos and hotels for pets before you come down!
For more kids' stuff, visit our Myrtle Beach Attractions Facebook page.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Myrtle Beach Vacations Are Year Round
You might think that nobody comes to Myrtle Beach in the wintertime, but if you haven't spent Christmas or New Years in our sparkling city, you don't know what you're missing.
Yes, it can get chilly by Christmastime. There are days that don't get out of the 50's, and some nights in the 20's. By that same token, we've had several days this past week in the mid-70's, whether it's December or February..
Winter rates are super low and you might just have the best vacation you've ever thought about during the off-season in Myrtle Beach. Give it a's so cheap you've got nothing to lose but a few days away from the snow and ice! Hey...we forgot to mention that way more hotels in Myrtle Beach allow pets in the off-season!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Can a second mortgage loan serve your purpose?
Do you want money to clear your debts or finance your child’s education or serve some other purposes? Then a second mortgage loan can be the answer. Before you apply for it, you must make sure you have adequate funds to repay the loan; otherwise you may lose your home to a forced foreclosure.
There's basically two types of second mortgage loans - a closed end traditional home equity loan, or a a "home equity line of credit" which is an open end credit much like a bankline.
1. Home equity loan:
You can apply for a home equity loan by filling out an application form available online. To take out a home equity loan, you have to keep your existing home as a security. You can even use your non-residential property as a security for the approval of the loan if you are a licensed title holder and your land is free from legal dispute. You will get around (60-65) % of the actual value of your property used as security against the loan at a fixed rate of interest. However, you should check out the pros and cons before you apply for a home equity loan.
Benefits of a home equity loan:
Like a home equity loan, here also you have to keep your home as security to take out a home equity line of credit. You will get this loan in the form of a credit card or a set of blank checks with a certain limit depending on your home equity. The more you pay down the balance, the more funds will become available to use in the future. A HELOC consists of both advantage and disadvantages:
Ask a Realtor or your own banker for more information on second mortgage loans.
There's basically two types of second mortgage loans - a closed end traditional home equity loan, or a a "home equity line of credit" which is an open end credit much like a bankline.
1. Home equity loan:
You can apply for a home equity loan by filling out an application form available online. To take out a home equity loan, you have to keep your existing home as a security. You can even use your non-residential property as a security for the approval of the loan if you are a licensed title holder and your land is free from legal dispute. You will get around (60-65) % of the actual value of your property used as security against the loan at a fixed rate of interest. However, you should check out the pros and cons before you apply for a home equity loan.
Benefits of a home equity loan:
- If you take out a home equity loan, you can pay off your credit card bills by consolidating all your debts into one monthly payment.
- The interest rates of a home equity loan will be lower than the interest charged on your credit cards.
- The interest that you pay towards the home equity loan is tax-deductible and therefore you can easily save a substantial amount of money on your taxes.
- If you use the loan amount to invest on certain items that immediately depreciates, then you may have to face financial crisis in the near future.
- If you’re unable to pay off your loan then the lender will foreclose your property used as collateral.
Like a home equity loan, here also you have to keep your home as security to take out a home equity line of credit. You will get this loan in the form of a credit card or a set of blank checks with a certain limit depending on your home equity. The more you pay down the balance, the more funds will become available to use in the future. A HELOC consists of both advantage and disadvantages:
- Here, you don’t have to borrow the amount in a lump sum, rather you can withdraw the funds according to your needs.
- The interest rate of this loan is variable and is lower than the interest rate charged by most mortgage lenders.
- If your credit score is good, then you don’t have to pay a closing cost.
- At least for now, interest on an home equity line of credit is tax deductible.
- According to the terms of this loan, you may have to withdraw a limited fund each time within a stipulated period of time.
- The cost of securing a HELOC can be high. You may have to pay a property appraisal fee, an application fee, closing costs and other possible charges that are included in your loan agreement. You may also have to pay the transaction fee every time you withdraw the money. Most of these requirements are based on your credit and relationship with your bank.
- It's not easy to find the self-discipline to pay off a line of credit for many folks.
Ask a Realtor or your own banker for more information on second mortgage loans.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Allstate is Myrtle Beach Best Car Insurance

She called the police, and then her agent, and was disappointed to learn that she didn't have coverage for a rental fact had told them she didn't need it because she has two cars. Ha, that's not why you may need a rental car, is it? Anyway, they did pay for a tow truck and recommended she take it to a local dealership for repairs, which I thought was mighty good. I can remember dealing with State Farm many years ago and having them try to tell me to take my car to this body shop in town that was notorious for cheap work and shoddy results.
I also talked to Scott, and found out that I had neglected to add towing or a rental to my policy, which I have now added. I am telling you that if you want to be "in good hands", you don't get any better than Myrtle Beach car insurance with Scott Todd at Allstate.
I saw in tonight's Consumer Affairs section of "What's on Your Mind" a complaint that Progressive Insurance's claim to fame customer service is not so hot. Read the complaint HERE. Specifically he says,
I feel very lucky to have found Scott. He's one of the best. Look him up at“My wife's car was hit by another vehicle and she called the police,” Otto said. “The other person was guilty and it was written in the police report. They don't care. Tomorrow is going to be a week since we called a Progressive representative and "there is nothing they can do at the moment". We left the car at the body shop because there is a noise in the front wheel but they can't even send the adjuster. They can't pay for the car rental either.”
You know...I wonder. Is an agent only as good as the company he represents, or is an insurance company only as good as the agent who represents them? Any thoughts?
Also see this site for Condo Insurance.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Myrtle Beach New Home Construction is on the Rise
New construction of Myrtle Beach homes is quietly on the rise. As you drive around in search of your very own piece of Myrtle Beach real estate, you may be starting to notice a few tractors moving land, a few laborers lifting up two-by-fours, or a roofer applying shingles to a new home. We all know these are signs of new homes being built.
Recently, the market for Myrtle Beach Homes for sale has increased according to the evidence listed in the MLS. Today, there are fewer homes listed for sale as well as more closings taking place on a monthly basis. Myrtle Beach Condos continue to have their challenges while we watch the housing market make it's move.
For those thinking of selling a home in Myrtle Beach, you may want to consider doing it now. There is a growing concern that new construction will create competition problems for those looking to sell a resale home. An example, Carolina Forest homes for sale have been moving. As the homes in Carolina Forest sell faster, builders start to build new homes to take advantage of the increased activity. When you ride through Carolina Forest today, you will see signs indicating that you can buy brand new home for the same price as those for sale in established communities. Again, the buyer has more options. The buyer was once buying a Myrtle Beach foreclosure listing, and now they are buying new construction at a greater pace.
The builders are making money again while existing owners are still hoping the market will turn around. We recently witnessed a buyer purchase a new home in Carolina Forest for less than they could have purchased the same home that was already built. The choice was obvious for the buyer and painful for the seller who has been waiting for over a year to sell.
The Cottages at North Beach Plantation are really going up now. It looks like there's around 30-40 already built and another 10 or 20 under construction. The prices of these homes for sale in North Beach Plantation are really low - as low as $180,000, and only steps to the beach. That's going to be some stiff competition to other North Myrtle Beach real estate, new and older homes. And even condos, for that matter.
According to the builders I have spoken with, they anticipate having a great next few years due to the low building costs as well as low prices on land.
Just when we thought it was going to get better the builders make their move. If I was thinking of selling any Myrtle Beach real estate in the next year, I would do it now.
~Greg Harrelson
Your Myrtle Beach Real Estate Source
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Prestwick Homes for Sale in Myrtle Beach
Prestwick Myrtle Beach Homes for Sale
Guest Blog from Greg Harrelson
I recently sold a home in Prestwick Country Club on Links Road that had been listed for sale with another agent for a long time. The home had about 3500 heated square feet as well as a pool. Located on the golf course, it sold for $470,000, which has been the highest sales price of any homes in Prestwick to sell recently.
Then I did it again. I just listed a home in Prestwick and placed it under pending contract status within 21 days of putting it in the Myrtle Beach MLS. The key to selling these homes in Prestwick is marketing. When a Prestwick home for sale is marketed aggressively, it gets significantly more buyer traffic then those listings that are just entered into the MLS and left to sit there.
If I were looking to sell a home anywhere in the Grand Strand and I was in need of a Myrtle Beach real estate agent, then I would seek out an agent that knows the community - as well as one who can provide a written marketing plan. Prestwick Country Club homes in Myrtle Beach belong to a fantastic community, with properties ranging from $200,000 up to a million dollars.
I personally own a home in Prestwick. I understand the community, and how it needs to be marketed in order to get a property sold. I have already sold a few homes in Prestwick this year and would like yours to be next.
I market all Prestwick homes on my new website,
Greg Harrelson can be reached at (888) 874-2121 or through any of his websites.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
More About Real Estate Short Sales
The real estate short sale market has grown exponentially in the wake of the real estate crunch. Statistics from mortgage servicer Fannie Mae show that short sales and foreclosures have gone up steadily in the past four years, and with the new spate of foreclosures said to take hold later this year, distressed homes are expected to take up a much bigger portion of the market. Here are some recent statistics for a quick look at today’s real estate short sale market.
More Homes In Default
Of the 30.7 million mortgages held by Fannie Mae, 921,000 are over 60 days in default, and another 644,700 were 90 days or more behind. This was before the loan modification and short sale programs took effect, and the servicer then addressed the problem by enacting a foreclosure/eviction freeze. This was followed by a loan modification effort that resulted in 23,777 modified loans toward the end of the year. The short sale option offered today is expected to help prevent even more foreclosures.
Short Sale And Foreclosure Ratio
A 2008 report shows that for every successful short sale, eight other homes started foreclosure proceedings. To many experts, it’s a sign of the inefficiency of lenders when it comes to the short sale process. Many of them were ill-prepared for the wave of defaults and did not have adequate loan modification experience. So for much of 2008 and 2009, the helpful home-saving programs were an uphill climb for borrowers. Fortunately, both programs have since been largely improved.
Government Real Estate Short Sale Program
One thing that helped refine the process is Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives (HAFA), the government’s own program and partner to the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), a previous initiative focusing on loan modifications. HAFA allows homeowners who have been rejected for HAMP to pursue a short sale following a streamlined process. These efforts have since reached thousands of struggling homeowners and helped them steer clear of foreclosure.
Future Outlook for Homeowners
Lenders and government officials agree that the short-sales will play a vital role in market recovery in the years to come. Every sale means that a foreclosure has been prevented, and that losses have been curbed for both lender and borrower. As more borrowers seek alternatives in the coming foreclosure wave, there may be more demand for short sale solutions, and the government is making sure lenders are ready for it.
This guest post was written by a professional short sale/ real estate agent experienced in
helping distressed owners, or those who want to sell for any reason. People who are having difficulty but want to keep their home may find information that is useful on his website at
For information on Myrtle Beach short-sales, visit the C21 Harrelson Group website.
For Albuquerque short sales, visit the Albuquerque Real Estate Group's website.
Realtor Jan Bradshaw helps with Lake Greenwood SC foreclosures and short-sales.
More Homes In Default
Of the 30.7 million mortgages held by Fannie Mae, 921,000 are over 60 days in default, and another 644,700 were 90 days or more behind. This was before the loan modification and short sale programs took effect, and the servicer then addressed the problem by enacting a foreclosure/eviction freeze. This was followed by a loan modification effort that resulted in 23,777 modified loans toward the end of the year. The short sale option offered today is expected to help prevent even more foreclosures.
Short Sale And Foreclosure Ratio
A 2008 report shows that for every successful short sale, eight other homes started foreclosure proceedings. To many experts, it’s a sign of the inefficiency of lenders when it comes to the short sale process. Many of them were ill-prepared for the wave of defaults and did not have adequate loan modification experience. So for much of 2008 and 2009, the helpful home-saving programs were an uphill climb for borrowers. Fortunately, both programs have since been largely improved.
Government Real Estate Short Sale Program
One thing that helped refine the process is Home Affordable Foreclosure Alternatives (HAFA), the government’s own program and partner to the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), a previous initiative focusing on loan modifications. HAFA allows homeowners who have been rejected for HAMP to pursue a short sale following a streamlined process. These efforts have since reached thousands of struggling homeowners and helped them steer clear of foreclosure.
Future Outlook for Homeowners
Lenders and government officials agree that the short-sales will play a vital role in market recovery in the years to come. Every sale means that a foreclosure has been prevented, and that losses have been curbed for both lender and borrower. As more borrowers seek alternatives in the coming foreclosure wave, there may be more demand for short sale solutions, and the government is making sure lenders are ready for it.
This guest post was written by a professional short sale/ real estate agent experienced in
helping distressed owners, or those who want to sell for any reason. People who are having difficulty but want to keep their home may find information that is useful on his website at
For information on Myrtle Beach short-sales, visit the C21 Harrelson Group website.
For Albuquerque short sales, visit the Albuquerque Real Estate Group's website.
Realtor Jan Bradshaw helps with Lake Greenwood SC foreclosures and short-sales.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
A Home is a Home is a Home...maybe
Not too long ago I did a long, involved, and rather heavily researched blog on manufactured houses and modular homes. I ended up with a much healthier respect for how this type of housing is built and to what standards they are held now.
The Sun News did an article last year about the market for these "mobile homes" (which is not the correct word for what they are talking about) saying that sales for manufactured homes in Myrtle Beach were actually UP recently in the Grand Strand. One local company reported a sales increase of 15% in 2010.
To quote a manufacturer of modular homes in Pennsylvania from my other blog, here's a description of the terms and how they are rated:
"Over our 40-year history, Riverview Homes has sold mobile homes, manufactured homes, modular homes, two stories, sectional homes, single-wides, trailers, double trailers, triple-wides, double-high, etc.", he begins. "In the end what we have really sold is either a home built to the HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development) building code or to a State building code. In Pennsylvania, we build single family homes to the IRC (International Residential Code). In Pennsylvania, modular homes are built to the IRC and manufactured homes or mobile homes are built to the HUD code."
Wikipedia defines a similar difference. It says that typically a modular home is built to local state or council code, so it can actually have a different construction standard depending on the state where it will be located. Modular homes built for final placement in a hurricane-prone area can have additional bracing built in to make it more safe. Surprisingly, it says that after FEMA studied the destruction done by Hurricane Andrew, they concluded that modular and masonry built homes fared better than any other construction.
The Sun News article suppositioned that the increase in Myrtle Beach real estate sales of manufactured housing was due to a price usually under 100K, and the new government incentives going on at the time. It applied to these homes as well as traditional "built on the spot" homes.
All this being said, I had a friend who was married to a guy who sold Clayton Homes here locally, and while the inside of it was nice, (it even had a fireplace) the outside somehow reminded me of a life-sized Barbie doll house. It had this underpinning that was supposed to look like rock, but was made from fiberglass or plastic and LOOKED exactly like what it was. I was not impressed.
And unless you buy the land 20 miles from the beach, you're still going to end up paying a good bit for that...or worse, renting the land itself.
I guess it's all what you were raised with. I'm partial to a condo for myself anyway, but I was raised in an older wood and brick home, with parents who very much disdained what everyone called a "trailer" back in the day. Modular homes back then were pictured as very small, one piece "cottages" which are very popular in Florida. I did always think I'd like one of them, but have never seen one up close...unless you count the "villas" they have in the campgrounds such as Pirateland.
Either way, and no matter what Wikipedia says, I wouldn't want to be sitting in one when there was a hurricane within about 200 miles from it. My Allstate agent in Myrtle Beach doesn't offer SC homeowners insurance on what they consider a mobile home, (having a title instead of a deed) or unless it is "frameless". You would almost certainly be in one of our wind zones - I don't know of any place inside the Myrtle Beach or NMB city limits that would allow one. So there would be even more cost for wind and hail insurance. I'll stick with my condo in Myrtle Beach.
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Little River Inn Resort |
The Sun News did an article last year about the market for these "mobile homes" (which is not the correct word for what they are talking about) saying that sales for manufactured homes in Myrtle Beach were actually UP recently in the Grand Strand. One local company reported a sales increase of 15% in 2010.
To quote a manufacturer of modular homes in Pennsylvania from my other blog, here's a description of the terms and how they are rated:
"Over our 40-year history, Riverview Homes has sold mobile homes, manufactured homes, modular homes, two stories, sectional homes, single-wides, trailers, double trailers, triple-wides, double-high, etc.", he begins. "In the end what we have really sold is either a home built to the HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development) building code or to a State building code. In Pennsylvania, we build single family homes to the IRC (International Residential Code). In Pennsylvania, modular homes are built to the IRC and manufactured homes or mobile homes are built to the HUD code."
Wikipedia defines a similar difference. It says that typically a modular home is built to local state or council code, so it can actually have a different construction standard depending on the state where it will be located. Modular homes built for final placement in a hurricane-prone area can have additional bracing built in to make it more safe. Surprisingly, it says that after FEMA studied the destruction done by Hurricane Andrew, they concluded that modular and masonry built homes fared better than any other construction.
The Sun News article suppositioned that the increase in Myrtle Beach real estate sales of manufactured housing was due to a price usually under 100K, and the new government incentives going on at the time. It applied to these homes as well as traditional "built on the spot" homes.
All this being said, I had a friend who was married to a guy who sold Clayton Homes here locally, and while the inside of it was nice, (it even had a fireplace) the outside somehow reminded me of a life-sized Barbie doll house. It had this underpinning that was supposed to look like rock, but was made from fiberglass or plastic and LOOKED exactly like what it was. I was not impressed.
And unless you buy the land 20 miles from the beach, you're still going to end up paying a good bit for that...or worse, renting the land itself.
I guess it's all what you were raised with. I'm partial to a condo for myself anyway, but I was raised in an older wood and brick home, with parents who very much disdained what everyone called a "trailer" back in the day. Modular homes back then were pictured as very small, one piece "cottages" which are very popular in Florida. I did always think I'd like one of them, but have never seen one up close...unless you count the "villas" they have in the campgrounds such as Pirateland.
Either way, and no matter what Wikipedia says, I wouldn't want to be sitting in one when there was a hurricane within about 200 miles from it. My Allstate agent in Myrtle Beach doesn't offer SC homeowners insurance on what they consider a mobile home, (having a title instead of a deed) or unless it is "frameless". You would almost certainly be in one of our wind zones - I don't know of any place inside the Myrtle Beach or NMB city limits that would allow one. So there would be even more cost for wind and hail insurance. I'll stick with my condo in Myrtle Beach.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Short Sales In Myrtle Beach Becoming Easier
My friend and client, Greg Harrelson, was recently quoted in the Sun News in reference to the increasing tide of Myrtle Beach short sales. In the past several years with so many homes and condos being lost to foreclosure, short-sales have always been a part of the equation, but banks have made it so time-consuming and difficult that many agents will no longer represent one. My brother-in-law tried for a solid year to buy a condo at Bay Watch in North Myrtle Beach through a short sale. After months of delay and hold up by the bank involved, the foreign investor/owner finally found the funds to pay the loan up and the sale was stopped. So many of the transactions end up this way, all over the US, that most agents will not encourage a buyer to even try for one.
Greg feels like this trend will not continue. He says Myrtle Beach short sales will increase and are becoming more accepted and easier to close as banks are pressured to close their books on the mortgages. Adva Saldinger with the Sun News quoted the following paragraphs from Greg:
One government organization called the Distressed Property Institute offers a 3 day course to Realtors to become "Certified Distressed Property Experts", which Greg has taken and is encouraging his team of agents to follow suit. Greg says that one of the duties of a Realtor is to help the public, and if he can advise a property owner in trouble with mortgage payments to find a better solution than foreclosure, he feels obligated to help. Short-sales have a less damaging effect on the seller's credit, and can help make it possible for him to buy another home sooner than when he is saddled with a foreclosure on his record.
If you are a distressed owner or looking to buy Myrtle Beach homes, Greg welcomes your call for advice. His website also has a full listing of short-sales in Myrtle Beach, as well as Myrtle Beach foreclosures. Contact him at 888-874-2121 (toll-free) or through the website.
Other experts in the field are Virginia Horton-Lee who is certified with Buford GA short-sales, and Lee Cunningham who can offer advice with short sales in Greenville SC.
Greg feels like this trend will not continue. He says Myrtle Beach short sales will increase and are becoming more accepted and easier to close as banks are pressured to close their books on the mortgages. Adva Saldinger with the Sun News quoted the following paragraphs from Greg:
"Greg Harrelson, the owner of Century 21 The Harrelson Group, who was also at the CDPE class earlier this week, said that the short sale segment of the local real estate market appears to be growing.The biggest problem with processing a short-sale, next to the bank's reluctance to accept a bid, is the immense quantity of paperwork that needs to be submitted at the beginning of the process. Repeatedly asking for more documents, or duplicate documents is frustrating to the seller as well as the buyer, and adds to the dis-satisfaction both feel towards the process.
One trend he has noticed is that property owners seem to be more educated. He is fielding questions about how he might be able to help before any mortgage payments have been missed, not after foreclosure proceedings have started.
'We need to be ready for an increase in this area," he said. "I wanted to be educated enough to help these people.'
Harrelson said banks are looking to move these properties off their books and may consider improving short sale processes as one way to do that. In addition to helping property owners avoid foreclosure, short sales may also be better for the broader real estate market, he said.
'At the end of the day, hopefully the average short sale price will be above the average foreclosure price and hopefully that will stabilize the market a little bit,' Harrelson said."
One government organization called the Distressed Property Institute offers a 3 day course to Realtors to become "Certified Distressed Property Experts", which Greg has taken and is encouraging his team of agents to follow suit. Greg says that one of the duties of a Realtor is to help the public, and if he can advise a property owner in trouble with mortgage payments to find a better solution than foreclosure, he feels obligated to help. Short-sales have a less damaging effect on the seller's credit, and can help make it possible for him to buy another home sooner than when he is saddled with a foreclosure on his record.
If you are a distressed owner or looking to buy Myrtle Beach homes, Greg welcomes your call for advice. His website also has a full listing of short-sales in Myrtle Beach, as well as Myrtle Beach foreclosures. Contact him at 888-874-2121 (toll-free) or through the website.
Other experts in the field are Virginia Horton-Lee who is certified with Buford GA short-sales, and Lee Cunningham who can offer advice with short sales in Greenville SC.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Myrtle Beach Boardwalk Crime and the News
The new Myrtle Beach Boardwalk officially opened in May, and it's one of the nicest attractions the Grand Strand has invested in for a long time. It somewhat replaces the emptiness left from losing the Pavilion, and is a wonderful way to enjoy the beach, for young and old, pet lovers, health nuts - even the handicapped. There is one small problem though...part of it is located in a really rough part of Myrtle Beach. The southern end of the Boardwalk meets the 2nd Ave Pier area at 2nd Ave South. Most all of the renovated rental condos are from 10th Ave North and up. The south end has a few, but for the most part kept a large number of old mom and pop hotels, and worse - the run-down old beach houses across from the beach and on the 2nd and 3rd row. Where avenues like 28th North up to 80th north are lined with fine residences or condos, the south end roads are still old and often delapidated hotels and rickety beach homes...usually catering to year-round or monthly rentals that are way below regular housing prices.
Like Atlantic Beach in North Myrtle, these streets have more than their share of drug dealers, prostitutes, pool halls, and crime. The big question - what can be done to change it? WMBF wrote an article about this, and has created a storm of debate, from those who congratulate them because they "let the cat out of the bag", to many others who think they are sensationalizing the news for their own benefit. To hear WMBF's defense, read their article called Consider This - Myrtle Beach Boardwalk.
Short of finding a Donald Trump to buy up the houses and replace them with more condo resorts or expensive beach homes, the city of Myrtle Beach cannot force property owners to renovate an older home or dictate to whom they choose to rent. With the glut of oceanfront condos, 2nd and 3rd row streets won't support a luxury Myrtle Beach rental condos. That option is probably never going to work. It's always very hard to renovate and clean up a notoriously bad neighborhood anyway. People who know the area simply won't consider living in a neighborhood that's been known to be crime-ridden for years.
The Boardwalk makes a convenient place for the hookers, the intoxicated, the pan-handlers, and the drug dealers to walk on the better side. Where the beach used to be dark and uninviting, it's now brighter and enticing even to the bad elements. But where they go, trouble now the area is not safe for tourists and regular locals, at least in the later part of the evenings.
Yes, the city could hire another 100 or so policemen to do nothing but patrol the Boardwalk. But like every other city, Myrtle Beach is hurting in this economy too. If they spend the money for this, then the only way to do it is to increase the already too-high taxes. And if you think about it, walking along the Boardwalk seeing a uniformed policement every 50 feet is rather intimidating. So what is the answer?
How about a little common sense? If you go to New York City, are you going to stroll down a dark street downtown at 10-11 oclock at night safely? No, not unless you are foolishly fearless.
Enjoy our gorgeous new attraction during the day...the morning...the early evenings. If you rent a condo on the Myrtle Beach Boardwalk, enjoy the views of it safely from your balcony after 9 or 10pm. You've got a bigger problem if you stroll along the Florida oceanfront than you do in Myrtle Beach, but you still need to remember that there are dangers everywhere. Act a little more responsible for your own safety, and enjoy your vacation without worry.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
USA Today Brags on Myrtle Beach Vacations
TV station WMBF reports that the popular USA Today Newspaper has named Myrtle Beach as one of the top five bargain destinations for 2010.
Local feature writer A.J. Ross says that USA Today used trends and sales patterns to choose the five winners, which also include Quebec City, the Bahamas, Ireland, and California state. (I didn't think anything in California was a bargain, but O well!)
Myrtle Beach Chamber of Commerce president Brad Dean says that it's always a great boon to the area when we reach a national publication like the newspaper. He says they constantly court freelance writers and journalists by bringing them to our beach and showing them what we have to offer. Although the Chamber spends a lot for paid advertising, free media exposure such as this article is "huge", and can often be more helpful than ads.
He adds that they meet with hundreds of travel writers during the year to entice them to write about Myrtle Beach, and that an article like this is the goal.
Vacation rental companies like Condolux certainly reap the rewards and they see a definite increase in reservations for Myrtle Beach condo rentals. Even niche websites like those for pet friendly hotels see an increase in traffic after this kind of publicity.
Local feature writer A.J. Ross says that USA Today used trends and sales patterns to choose the five winners, which also include Quebec City, the Bahamas, Ireland, and California state. (I didn't think anything in California was a bargain, but O well!)
Myrtle Beach Chamber of Commerce president Brad Dean says that it's always a great boon to the area when we reach a national publication like the newspaper. He says they constantly court freelance writers and journalists by bringing them to our beach and showing them what we have to offer. Although the Chamber spends a lot for paid advertising, free media exposure such as this article is "huge", and can often be more helpful than ads.
He adds that they meet with hundreds of travel writers during the year to entice them to write about Myrtle Beach, and that an article like this is the goal.
Vacation rental companies like Condolux certainly reap the rewards and they see a definite increase in reservations for Myrtle Beach condo rentals. Even niche websites like those for pet friendly hotels see an increase in traffic after this kind of publicity.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Myrtle Beach Hopes Golfers and Families Pour In During May
CondoLux recently reported on a press release that Myrtle Beach golf packages were up this summer over 40% from early 2009.
The golf director, Craig Chinn, attributed the increases to additional direct flights in and out of the Grand Strand, and to more Myrtle Beach condo rental companies and hotels oiffering golf packages as incentives to vacationers. Check out their latest press release titled, Myrtle Beach Golf Company Reports Another Record Year.
The city of Myrtle Beach is spending big advertising bucks this year. attempting to promote tourism to make up for a still slow economy and the loss of Harley Biker week during May. The new motorcycle laws implemented by the city are still causing constant sniping and critique by commenters in the local online newspaper articles and news agencies. With the new Myrtle Beach Boardwalk now open and marketing for families increased, it should be interesting to see just how much is lost by the biker restrictions overwhelmingly supported by local residents.
North Myrtle Beach is still welcoming the black bikers during Memorial Day, and along with Surfside Beach, they are soliciting the Harley bikers to overlook the controversy and stay in those locations without restrictions. Right or wrong, Myrtle Beach wants to give the month of May back to families and couples, and change the area's reputation from the oft-quoted "redneck Riviera" to a more Boca-Raton-ish upscale image. With all the much higher priced resorts that require a higher vacation rental income, this is probably a wise course of action.
May is one of the months with the most gorgeous weather of the entire year, and especially suited for golfers and young children who don't particularly care for the extreme heat and sun of full summer. It would be a good thing to see a change in the type of tourism in the Grand Strand for this important month of the year. Good luck to all concerned during the upcoming Cinco De Mayo!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Myrtle Beach Condos - Good News and Bad
The Sun News spoke with the President of our local Board of Realtors recently, and reported his remarks about our real estate market, and in particular, Myrtle Beach foreclosures.
Tom Maeser says there was a 72 percent in sales of condos in Myrtle Beach, but they are almost exclusively foreclosures and short-sales. (actually 25% according to Tom - I think it's probably more like 75%!)
I don't think that comes as a surprise to anyone, and I don't see the point in his he goes on to say that without those sales, regular condo sales are down lower than in 2009. Well, of course with all the foreclosures THEY are going to be the ones people buy. That's the same all over the US. My friend in Las Vegas, Diann Tonnesen, told me that her sales were booming too...and just about all foreclosures.
We've got to get through the foreclosures in order for the regular sales to begin again. So this is GREAT news! The faster they sell and get out of the way, the faster our prices will increase again and the market will return to normal.
This is also pretty amazing when you take into consideration that it's nearly impossible to finance an oceanfront condo in Myrtle Beach right now! That means there are enough buyers with CASH that it still makes a 72 percent increase in sales. Wow!
Rentals are booming with both CondoLux and Condo World for the summer. Other area businesses are doing well, also. My friend that does tree services in Myrtle Beach, Duncan McInnis, is being kept hopping. My Myrtle Beach car insurance agent, Scott Todd, is pleased with business and had a friend of his with Allstate in Conway talk to me about a website. Most all of the restaurants are doing better, and lines are actually forming already at the popular ones like TBonz and Olive Garden.
This week begins another SOS get-together, and soon the dreaded Memorial Day Bike Week will be happening (or not) They keep threatening to boycott...and we keep hoping they do...:-) Another summer in Myrtle Beach begins!
Tom Maeser says there was a 72 percent in sales of condos in Myrtle Beach, but they are almost exclusively foreclosures and short-sales. (actually 25% according to Tom - I think it's probably more like 75%!)
I don't think that comes as a surprise to anyone, and I don't see the point in his he goes on to say that without those sales, regular condo sales are down lower than in 2009. Well, of course with all the foreclosures THEY are going to be the ones people buy. That's the same all over the US. My friend in Las Vegas, Diann Tonnesen, told me that her sales were booming too...and just about all foreclosures.
We've got to get through the foreclosures in order for the regular sales to begin again. So this is GREAT news! The faster they sell and get out of the way, the faster our prices will increase again and the market will return to normal.
This is also pretty amazing when you take into consideration that it's nearly impossible to finance an oceanfront condo in Myrtle Beach right now! That means there are enough buyers with CASH that it still makes a 72 percent increase in sales. Wow!
Rentals are booming with both CondoLux and Condo World for the summer. Other area businesses are doing well, also. My friend that does tree services in Myrtle Beach, Duncan McInnis, is being kept hopping. My Myrtle Beach car insurance agent, Scott Todd, is pleased with business and had a friend of his with Allstate in Conway talk to me about a website. Most all of the restaurants are doing better, and lines are actually forming already at the popular ones like TBonz and Olive Garden.
This week begins another SOS get-together, and soon the dreaded Memorial Day Bike Week will be happening (or not) They keep threatening to boycott...and we keep hoping they do...:-) Another summer in Myrtle Beach begins!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Myrtle Beach Boardwalk News
From: Mark Kruea, Public Information Officer, City of Myrtle Beach
Date: March 24, 2010
Re: Boardwalk opening…
We are excited that Myrtle Beach’s new oceanfront boardwalk is nearly complete! Officials today announced the ribbon-cutting and grand opening ceremonies, to be held Saturday, May 15, in conjunction with the new Beach Music Festival that weekend. About three-quarters of the boardwalk – from just north of the 14th Avenue Pier to Fourth Avenue North – will be ready for public use by that date, and we are eager for everyone to see and enjoy it.
The remaining section of the new boardwalk project, from Fourth Avenue North to just south of the Second Avenue Pier, will take a little longer to be finished and won’t be quite ready by May 15. However, since all but about two blocks of the boardwalk will be ready for the Beach Music Festival, we did not want to delay the grand opening any longer than needed.
In case you missed today’s announcement, the Beach Music Festival will feature performances from eight groups, including Ben E. King, Billy Scott and the Party Prophets, Chairmen of the Board, The Coasters, Jim Quick and Coastline, and Maurice Williams and the Zodiacs. The boardwalk grand opening ceremony will occur at 12:00 p.m. that Saturday. Other activities include creation of a giant cake shaped like a flip-flop by TLC’s “Cake Boss,” Buddy Valastro.
For more information, contact:
Mark Kruea, Public Information Officer, City of Myrtle Beach
(843) 918-1014 voice (843) 450-1695 mobile
Photos and info on the New Myrtle Beach Boardwalk
Sunday, January 17, 2010
The Myrtle Beach Boardwalk Becomes a Reality
WOW! New Myrtle Beach Boardwalk Sounds Fantastic!
Myrtle Beach is soon going to have a boardwalk to rival the famous ones up north and make this place a showcase of fun for the downtown tourists.
The new Boardwalk is going to run along the dune line from 2nd Ave Pier (south) to Pier 14 at 15th Ave North. At more than a mile long, that is more than anyone could have hoped for! There is a "boardwalk" of sorts in the pavilion area now, which will be changed to wood, I assume. They are supposed to begin with the stretch from 14th Ave North to about 11th Ave North (Mr. Joe White Ave. Then they will redo the central area with all the stores and bars to a much wider and busier boardwalk. To quote the official website,
"This section adjoins beachfront store and shots and invokes a carnival and nostalgia atmosphere with its sights, sounds and energy,"The third part, called the South Promenade, will stretch from Eight Ave North to the 2nd Ave South Pier. It will be very peaceful and quiet with benches and natural landscaping.
Sounds like heaven!
I spent some time in Miami and Boca Raton several years ago, looking at the Florida oceanfront real estate market and trying to decide if I could move down there and work enough to make ends meet. The one thing I noticed in all the nicer areas was that there were so many restaurants and parks along the beach. Each city had its own kind of "boardwalk", whether it was a cement sidewalk or wooden. And it was such a pleasure to dine outside right on the beach edge. Other than a very few oceanfront restaurants like the Sea Captain's House, we really don't have that. And the ones that we have are mostly inside dining. That pretty much spoils the effect.
So if we end up with a mile of public area with restaurants and boutiques along it, this will really dress up Myrtle Beach and make it into more of a classy resort area. Hopefully we can one day shed that "Redneck Riviera" tag.
City Council is having ongoing meetings to decide on what will and won't be allowed along the Myrtle Beach Boardwalk. So far they have pretty much decided that they will have sidewalk cafes, and bicycles, and it will be a pet friendly accommodation with some restrictions. They say there will be no skateboards, skating, or rollerblading. The vending cart question is up in the air...with the bars and stores that already exist adamantly against it. Some say they don't want the carnival atmosphere. Others say that is exactly what they DO want.
In the middle of all of this, there is the 3-4 block span where the Pavilion rides used to be. It's now leveled and ready for Burroughs and Chapin or someone to build condos with access to the Boardwalk.
For a look at the renderings and to see news as it comes up on condos or hotels along the Boardwalk, see our page about Myrtle Beach Boardwalk Condos. We'll try to keep it updated about anything new in stores, restaurants, or Myrtle Beach hotels on the Boardwalk.
If you're in the market for insurance in Myrtle Beach, visit the local Allstate website. You'll find tips on lower the cost of SC car insurance, homeowners insurance, and renters insurance. You can find info on Florida condo insurance on our Condo Insurance website, too.
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